The children approached during street outreach, those attended on Saturdays who receive discipleship, lead us to the children who are beneficiaries of the Miracle of Jesus. The Miracle of Jesus is the transformation of the child's spiritual life, the formation of a Christ-like character that will make them a person with fear of God, integrity, wisdom, humility, among other qualities. The Miracle of Jesus is also a reward for the effort and consistency in attending Saturday teachings and classes; it is a gift they receive at the end of the year. Normally, the world celebrates Christmas during these dates, and children receive gifts from their parents. As these children live in poverty, they are often excluded and feel depressed during these festive times. In Streets of Gold and Crystal Sea, we bring that Miracle of Jesus, that gift, to every child we attend to.


It is a playful teaching strategy for each of the children in our discipleship program. On the Saturday before December 24th each year, we organize a competition with all the children we attend to. All of them gather in the same place on the same day, creating an atmosphere of harmony and celebration. Each church that attended a group of children throughout the year and conducted its discipleship program following the guidelines of Streets of Gold and Crystal Sea represents a participating team. The game is set up as a giant board game where each square represents a biblical teaching. Each team rolls the dice to advance on the board. The winning team is the one that reaches the finish line first, and the first, second, and third-place finishers are awarded. The winning teams receive prizes to improve the children's school in each church, and the children themselves are also rewarded.